Policy and Research Professional Learning Teacher as Writer

Everyday Advocacy

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Often the story of teaching, of teachers, and of literacy is told by outsiders to education—media, social media, TV, and movies. These stories contribute to a public narrative that is too often dismissive and demeaning of teachers and of research-based practices. Teacher voices/teacher stories—the stories of those who are actually in school—matter and can help shift that narrative into one that speaks to the realities of teaching and learning.

In this episode, NWP Radio talks with Cathy Fleischer and Sarah Hochstetler about Everyday Advocacy, the kind of advocacy that teachers can do as part of their regular teaching lives. Our guests will also discuss resources from the book, and the launch of a new website that was made possible by a National Writing Project seed grant and the collective efforts of colleagues who share this commitment to advocacy.

This post is part of the NWP Radio collection.

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