Professional Learning

Learn about NWP’s Foundational Beliefs about Teacher Leadership


Teacher-leaders new to the National Writing Project (NWP) may enjoy a newfound sense of authority, agency, and leadership, but desire more words to explain these ideas and how they are enacted at NWP. The resources here help unpack NWP teacher-leadership.

Teachers Teaching Teachers
Learn more about NWP’s keystone experience, the invitational leadership institute.

Developing “Author-ity”: The Transformative Power of Writing:
If you’ve heard people say (or said yourself) “The writing project changed my life” and wanted to understand what exactly that means, resources in this section help unpack this “transformation.”

Amplify Others:
For new teacher leaders interested in “paying it forward” these resources help us move beyond thinking about the development of ourselves as teacher-writers and move to thinking about how to support new teachers into the NWP community.

This post is part of the NWP Social Practices: Lead collection.