
Action Research for English Language Arts Teachers

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Action Research for English Language Arts Teachers by Mary Buckelew and Janice Ewing was inspired by colleagues and students, and began with their local Writing Project site’s blog. Join NWP Radio for a discussion with the authors about how they view inquiry as a key element in their mission as educators, and share some protocols and models for teacher inquiry. Mary and Janice will also be the keynote speakers for the NWP brunch at NCTE in November.


  • Mary Buckelew, Professor of English, West Chester University; former Director, Pennsylvania Writing and Literature Project
  • Janice Ewing, Adjunct Professor of Graduate Education, Cabrini University; Co-Director, Pennsylvania Writing and Literature Project
This post is part of the NWP Radio collection.

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Write Out 2019: Explore, Create, Connect
By National Writing Project