Collection Overview
Professional Learning

Reading Together at NWP Sites and Beyond

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More Thoughts on Reading in the Invitational Institute
By Lucy Ware
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Creating Spaces for Study and Action Under the Social Justice Umbrella
By Marlene Carter, Norma Mota-Altman, and Faye Peitzman
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How Geeky Is Your Book Club?
By Christina Cantrill
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Books + Talk + Teachers = NWP Radio
By National Writing Project
4 Posts in this Collection

In 1974, NWP leaders could put together a full collection of the modern scholarship on the teaching of writing suitable for exhaustive coverage in the Invitational Institute.

It only took a few years for that to no longer be possible, due in part to the enthusiasm for professional writing the NWP unleashed in teachers and scholars.

New publishers such as Boynton Cook, Heinemann, and Stenhouse filled catalogs with books sparked by the “new literacies” studies and practice, and NWP itself contributed significant scholarship through NCTE journals and its own journal, The Quarterly. Publishers like Teachers College Press, Routledge, and Jossey-Bass similarly began to include titles on writing.

Now, the challenge is abundance, and in the face of abundance teacher-leaders are thinking freshly about selecting readings, developing approaches to organizing reading/study groups, using digital tools for annotation, and sometimes revisiting the “foundational texts” such as those tagged ‘Key Reading’ here at the Knowledge Base for Write/Learn/Lead.

In this collection, we bring together some reflections from NWP leaders of the past on reading in the invitational and in study groups along with an introduction to digitally-powered approaches like the Marginal Syllabus. And as always, NWP Radio is a source for hearing about new selections for practitioners.

And for the history-minded, check out this written dialog about the readings in the Bay Area Writing Project’s Invitational Institute over its first 25 years.

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Creating Spaces for Study and Action Under the Social Justice Umbrella
By Marlene Carter, Norma Mota-Altman, and Faye Peitzman
How can we continue to read challenging work together? At the UCLA Writing Project, teachers’ interest in diving into social justice reading led them to create their study group model, a model that works equally well in a Writing Project site’s continuity program or in a district’s PLC program. Read about their work in their Continuity Series monograph, Creating Spaces for Study and Action Under the Social Justice Umbrella.
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How Geeky Is Your Book Club?
By Christina Cantrill
Teacher leaders looking for opportunities to engage with new professional literature online, either personally or with colleagues in a study group, might find the Marginal Syllabus, a monthly online joint reading project, a useful support structure. “How Geeky Is Your Book Club?” describes the genesis of the Marginal Syllabus and points to ways for teacher-leaders to get involved or visit its archives.
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Books + Talk + Teachers = NWP Radio
By National Writing Project
What shall we read? It’s always the question! Since 2010, NWP Radio has been a source of information and perspectives from scholars and educators across the NWP network. Many NWP Radio episodes feature conversations with educator-authors about their new books, making the NWP Radio archive an excellent source of ideas for new reading experiences at local Writing Project sites. “Books + Talk + Teachers = NWP Radio” explains how to search the archive for radio episodes that feature discussions of new books and research.
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