Released in 2009, The Digital Writing Workshop (Heinemann) blends the pedagogical approach of a “writing workshop” with the technical and rhetorical features of “digital writing.” Written by me, Troy Hicks, Director of the Chippewa River Writing Project at Central Michigan University, this collection features a number of resources related to the concepts presented in the book, many of which feature fellow NWP teachers and examples from their classrooms. In addition to this curated collection of resources, please see the companion wiki for the book for other links and ideas about teaching in a digital writing workshop and Ken Martin’s thoughtful review of the book on the NWP website.
This collection highlights a number of resources created by myself and others related to the concept of “digital writing workshop.” First, Joel Malley’s video provides a glimpse into his digital writing workshop. Next, a collection of podcasts from Teachers Teaching Teachers offers insights from the teachers featured in the book. Then, final three pieces are resources from teachers who are engaging in digital writing workshops with their students, and they address issues of crafting multimedia texts, planning for and evaluating digital writing, and understanding issues related to copyright and fair use.
Taken in sum, my hope is that this collection points you in many directions as you consider ways to create a digital writing workshop in your classroom. Curating this collection has allowed me to pause and collect a number of incredible examples from my own work and the work of others that shows the power of digital writing to inquire, integrate, and inspire.
Thanks for joining in the conversation.