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The Politics of Correction: How We Can Nurture Students in Their Writing and Help Them Learn the Language of Power
This brief yet powerful article by Linda Christensen is sure to encourage thoughtful and extended professional dialogue among educators grappling with dilemmas about students’ home and school language. Christensen describes practical strategies for honoring students' home language while also…
On the Use of Metawriting to Learn Grammar and Mechanics
In this short article, the author proposes a strategy to support college composition students to develop an awareness of grammatical patterns underlying their writing including their errors. The article includes an assignment and student examples, and may be useful in discussions among high…
Positioning Writers as Decision Makers
This short chapter from <em>When Teaching Writing Gets Tough: Challenges and Possibilities in Secondary Writing Instruction</em> offers three suggestions for changing your writing instruction to support student writers as independent decision makers.
Write Now Teacher Studio
Where teachers write, share, and talk shop about writing and the teaching of writing
Hosted by the National Writing Project, the Write Now Teacher Studio is an open, online community of educators for educators. It’s a place to write together, examine our teaching, create and refine curricula, and work toward ever more effective and equitable practices to create confident, creative, and critical thinkers and writers in our classrooms and courses.