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On Becoming Change Writers

By Pamela Bodnar and Gail Desler
For sites interested in creating opportunities to use writing and technology to connect students, teachers and community partners to explore intersections around issues of social injustice and to empower them to take social action, this curated collection of videos, images, and written words…
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Multiple Texts: Multiple Opportunities for Teaching and Learning

By Laura Robb
Offering a vivid glimpse into her middle school classroom, author Laura Robb illustrates how making available a range of texts at different reading levels and from a variety of perspectives promotes student engagement and success in her heterogeneously grouped classroom. Robb also shares a…
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Creating Spaces for Study and Action Under the Social Justice Umbrella

By Marlene Carter, Norma Mota-Altman, and Faye Peitzman
This monograph provides an in-depth look at the UCLA Writing Project's approach to exploring two social justice concerns—matters of race and issues of homophobia—and the design of two multiyear study groups that engage the learning community at the site. The authors chronicle how both study…
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Write Now Teacher Studio

Write Now Teacher Studio website screenshot

Where teachers write, share, and talk shop about writing and the teaching of writing

Hosted by the National Writing Project, the Write Now Teacher Studio is an open, online community of educators for educators. It’s a place to write together, examine our teaching, create and refine curricula, and work toward ever more effective and equitable practices to create confident, creative, and critical thinkers and writers in our classrooms and courses.

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