Connected Learning Teaching Writing

Kinetic / Moving Type

Because of my background as a writing teacher, and my interest in document design, I like to work at the intersection of text and images. Some of the most interesting work, I think, happening at this intersection is called “moving type” or “kinetic type.”

This is a digital art form where composers take culturally powerful quips and clips and typographically design them, working across color, text, space, movement, time, and more. I have highlighted a few here in this resource.


Zoolander Typography

A kinetic type piece of Derek Zoolander’s announcement of the “Derek Zoolander Center for Kids Who Can’t Read Good,” from the movie Zoolander. Design by Linzi Bergmann (2007).

“Yeah, Hi,” from Office Space

A typographically designed piece using a quote from the 1999 classic film Office Space. Animation by madfusion15, produced for a class assignment.

“Nick the Greek,” from Lock, Stock, and Two Smocking Barrels

Typographical “response” by benwhite1980, using a quote from the 1998 film Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.

“Let the Drummer Kick,” by Citizen Cope

A typographic animation of Citizen Cope’s song “Let the Drummer Kick” by Artur Dimke, FH Muenster FB Design, Germany.

Starwars Pub Scene

A typographic animation (by anis111) drawing on a snippet of the infamous “Mos Eisley Cantina” scene in the original 1977 Star Wars.

“Size Matters Not,” Yoda

Labeled “inspirational” by its designer, AriMudz, this kinetic type piece animates a Yoda quote from the 1980 Star Wars film Empire Strikes Back.