Teaching Writing

Place-Based Writing in Action: Opportunities for Authentic Writing in the World Beyond the Classroom


Based on the insight that "places are everywhere," this NWP Radio show explores how educators are using place to support students in having authentic opportunities to learn, grow, and connect. Join this team of teacher-editors and -authors from Place-Based Writing in Action: Opportunities for Authentic Writing in the World Beyond the Classroom to explore what is possible when you tap into this "everywhere resource" to support writing in elementary through preservice classrooms. Originally published on July 30, 2024

Place-Based Writing book cover on blue background with guests names to the right, below the NWP Radio logo.

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Our Guests and Their Chapters

  • Amanda Montgomery, Editor and “Making Connections to the Past: Using Place-based Writing to Bring History to Life”
  • Robert Montgomery, Editor and “Introduction to Place-Based Writing” (with Amanda) and “Touring the Place You Know Best: Virtual Tours as. Way to Teach Narrative, Argument, and Research Writing”
  • Cathie English, “Writing the Ecology of the Ozarks”
  • Clarice Moran, “In the Metaverse: Using VR as a Site for Place-based Writing”
  • Jeff Hudson, “The Sustainable Resource Project: Writing Towards Agency”
  • Rich Novack, “Mapping through Justice, through Padlet, and through the World”

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This post is part of the NWP Radio collection.