Professional Learning

School Partnerships: A Year of Professional Development

Minnesota WP describes the importance of connecting resources across projects.

Reflecting on this partnership, one thing our site will take back with us is the importance of connecting our Writing Project resources across projects. By utilizing the professional development that was built into our Writing Project site, we were able to offer the teachers professional development that both met their needs as a site and maximized our use of available resources. We were able to focus learning opportunities to meet the teachers’ specific needs as we met with them at their school site, and we were able to connect them with other teachers, a variety of speakers, and partnership resources like the Weisman Art Museum and the Minnesota Department of Education, by connecting them to other MWP professional development opportunities. In addition, the program structure rotated between MWP workshops, on-site workshops and on-site PLC time. The PLC and on-site time allowed for time to apply and implement the ideas gathered at the more formal workshops.


Calendar with Handout/Resources Links

Session Topics
Session 1
  • Grant Overview
  • Building Community
  • Group Norms
  • Create Goals
Session 2
  • Speaker on Connected Learning
  • Learning Activity
  • Group Time with NMA to check-in
Session 3
  • Introduce Books and Resources
  • Make plan for PLC meetings
  • Demo Lesson – Anne SB
PLC Session 1
PLC Session 2
  • Student Work (PLC)
Saturday Session 1
  • Writing Prompt
  • Meeting the ELA Common Core
  • Group Work Time
PLC Session 3
  • Student Work (PLC)
  • Using the Writing Process
Saturday Session 2
  • Writing Prompt
  • Meeting the ELA Common Core
  • Group Work Time
PLC Session 4
  • Demo: Persuasive Paragraph
Saturday Session 3
  • Writing Prompt
  • Meeting the ELA Common Core
  • Group Work Time
PLC Session 5
  • Student Work (PLC)
  • Using the Writing Process
Saturday Session 4
  • Writing Prompt
  • Meeting the ELA Common Core
  • Group Work Time
PLC Session 6
  • Demo: Persuasive Paragraph
Saturday Session 5
  • Writing Prompt
  • Meeting the ELA Common Core
  • Group Work Time
PLC Session 7
  • Student Work (PLC)
  • Demo: Digital Process
  • Year Reflection
  • Moving Forward Goals
Carnival and Celebration