Teaching Writing

The Write Time with Meghan Wilson Duff and Kate Dickerson


Hear Kate Dickerson, executive director of the Maine Discovery Museum and teacher-author Meghan Wilson Duff discuss their children’s book, How Are You, Verity? Originally published on September 12, 2023

Headshots of Kate and Meghan on dark gray background with show title.

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Don’t miss this episode of The Write Time featuring Kate Dickerson, executive director of the Maine Discovery Museum, interviewing Meghan Wilson Duff, about their children’s book, How Are You, Verity? in which Verity, a neurodivergent child with a love for sea creatures, interacts with neighbors to discover the true meaning behind greetings and salutations. Like many authors interviewed on The Write Time, Duff says they wanted to make the book they wish they’d had when they were a child. The show contains references to many more books with neurodivergent characters written by neurodivergent writers.

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This post is part of the NWP Radio collection.

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