Teaching Writing

Monarch: A Conversation with Poet Heather Bourbeau


Join NWP Radio for a discussion with poet Heather Bourbeau to hear about her latest collection of poems, Monarch, and the related teaching guide.

Originally published on March 6, 2024

Headshot of Heather with image of Monarch book cover on blue background with her name and NWP logo.

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Heather Bourbeau’s award-winning poetry and fiction have appeared in The Irish TimesThe Kenyon Review, Meridian, and The Stockholm Review of Literature. She has been featured on KALW and the San Francisco Public Library’s Poem of the Day, and her writings are part of the Special Collections at the James Joyce Library, University College Dublin. Her collection Some Days The Bird is a poetry conversation with the Irish-Australian poet Anne Casey (Beltway Editions, 2022). Her latest collection Monarch is a poetic memoir of overlooked histories from the US West she was raised in (Cornerstone Press, 2023).

Related Resource

Teaching guide for Monarch (PDF)

This post is part of the NWP Radio collection.