This podcast focuses on how the Prairie Visions Writing Workshop for students and teachers came about due to the wish of the Homestead National Monument of America’s National Park Service to bring a focused writing workshop to the monument location that would take advantage of the history and process of the Homestead Act of 1862. The workshop developed writing sessions that brought students to experience the physical environment and ecology of the TallGrass Prairie, to see the artifacts and historical documents of the Homestead Visitors center, to feel the centeredness of earthing (being in contact with the earth), and mindfulness (being conscious of place, being in the moment). The emphasis on place-based writing engendered a greater appreciation in students of the history of the Homestead Act. The place of Homestead Monument allowed students to focus their writing experiences on the concept of home of the past, present. and future.
Susan Cook, Program Manager for Interpretation, Education and Volunteers, Niobrara National Scenic River
Jan Knispel, Retired Valentine High School, Current Midplains Community College
Ramon Mangual PhD, Supervisory National Park Service Ranger, Manhattan Sites
Diana Weis, 5th Grade Teacher, Millard Cather Elementary School
This episode of The Write Time features Keenan Jones, author of Saturday Morning at the Shop. Keenan is interviewed by Delaware elementary teacher Ali Adan.