Blog Teaching Writing

Wash Your Hands: Navigating Grief and Uncertainty in the Time of the Pandemic


Linda Christensen shares a method for reading and dissecting a poem as a group, then using that as a jumping off place for their own writing. Originally published during the COVID-19 lockdown of 2020, Christensen also highlights the importance of centering the learner in the lesson, something that will always be relevant.

Originally published on April 24, 2020

The Lesson

Illustration of hand in water being poured from a decorative vase.


Linda Christensen ( is director of the Oregon Writing Project at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon. She is a Rethinking Schools editor and author of Reading, Writing, and Rising Up and Teaching for Joy and Justice.

Dori Midnight practices community-based intuitive healing that weaves plant and stone medicine, ancestral and queer magic, and justice work. She lives on occupied Pocumtuc/Nipmuc territory, also known as Western Massachusetts, where she teaches, creates ritual, makes potions, and maintains a local and distance healing practice. Wash Your Hands was originally published at the Rethinking Schools blog.