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Results for “Teacher as Writer”


NWP Social Practices: Write

For Writing Project site leaders thinking about developing a new pathway to site leadership, this collection examines the social practices connected to writing that have become key to the NWP experience.
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Write for an Audience

By National Writing Project
Want to support teacher-writers to share their work widely? Want to look beyond print publication or professional writing retreats? These resources will help site leaders to think about how to support teachers writing for publication, and to understand the digital landscape for writing and…
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Write With Others

By National Writing Project
Many Writing Project educators move from a vision of writing as a solitary act to a more communal vision of writing. These resources will support new NWP leaders to bring writers together, whether in an occasional situation, like a writing marathon, or in ongoing writing groups; face-to-face…
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Write to Think and Reflect

By National Writing Project
Often teachers enter the Writing Project believing that writing is an opportunity to say what they know, but come to believe that writing is an opportunity to figure out what they know, or to think. These resources offer visions of writing as a way of thinking and reflecting. For leaders who…
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Outside: A Conversation with Benjamin Ludwig

By National Writing Project
NWP Radio visits with Benjamin Ludwig, a teacher, writer, school librarian, and an NWP Writers Council member.
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Why I Write

The urge to write can be a mysterious calling. There are so many different ways to understand not only the why of writing, but what one gets out of it. As part of the ongoing celebration of the National Day on Writing every October 20, the National Writing Project has collected the thoughts…
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Teachers Writing for Civic Engagement

By Teachers of the Chicago Area Writing Project
A guide for beginning or restarting a writing practice for teachers created by teachers of the Chicago Area Writing Project. Includes small and low-tech writing tasks that build over time along with examples to mentor and inspire.
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Wishes for Trees

In this exploration, students find ways to make and share wishes/hopes/ideas to celebrate the earth and its future by making, sharing, and writing to trees.
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Write Now Teacher Studio

Write Now Teacher Studio website screenshot

Where teachers write, share, and talk shop about writing and the teaching of writing

Hosted by the National Writing Project, the Write Now Teacher Studio is an open, online community of educators for educators. It’s a place to write together, examine our teaching, create and refine curricula, and work toward ever more effective and equitable practices to create confident, creative, and critical thinkers and writers in our classrooms and courses.

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