Content-Area Literacy

Real World History: Six Videos that Model and Inspire


Looking for ways to involve high-school students in using historical tools to craft arguments and make personal connections to current issues? These six short NWP-produced videos spotlight Cosby Hunt’s Real World History program, one of the 2014 LRNG Innovators Challenge grantees. Real World History is a high-school course that frames history as an argument about the past and teaches students to think like historians. The video footage, focused on a study of the Great Migration of the 20th Century, could be a springboard for curriculum design or spark conversation in classes or professional development focused on disciplinary literacy with a social justice bent. Originally published on January 29, 2018

Cosby Hunt kneeling in the front row of a group shot of students, all pointing at him and smiling.

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Linda Christensen: Social Justice, Teaching Writing, and Teaching Teachers
By Pamela Morgan
Linda Christensen’s work is a great starting point and resource for anyone looking to integrate teaching for social justice into the classroom or designing/facilitating a professional learning experience focused on social justice and equity. Included with the article is a brief video interview with Christensen, a bibliography of additional Christensen articles and books, and a downloadable sample chapter from the book.
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A Fourth Grade Service Learning Project Engages English Learners
By Robert Rivera-Amezola
The fourth grade students of Philadelphia teacher Robert Rivera-Amezola produced podcasts about water pollution and conservation as a service learning project, sharing the resulting work with their community through a portal on a school district website. In a thoughtful reflection, Rivera-Amezola describes the process, giving a vision of how participatory work can happen with students and what it means for them to contribute to their community. The interdisciplinary work of Rivera-Amezola's students took the traditional learning of the classroom and transformed it into part of the solution of a local problem.
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Double the Work: Challenges and Solutions to Acquiring Language and Academic Literacy for Adolescent English Language Learners
This 2007 report by the Carnegie Foundation and the Center for Applied Linguistics identifies challenges faced by adolescent ELs in meeting grade-level academic expectations. It also provides recommendations for teacher education, educational research, school administrators and policy makers, along with instructional approaches likely to increase student achievement. The downloadable PDF would be an excellent resource for teacher-leaders designing professional development programs, developing grant proposals, doing advocacy work, and developing knowledge about teaching middle/high school ELLs.
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