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Results for “Content-Area Literacy”

Student Voices and Public Writing

Publishing is an important stage of the writing process, and writing for audiences beyond the teacher makes writing more meaningful and can inspire students to do their best work. This chapter supports English teachers to help young people find ways for their voices to be heard, with a focus…
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Starting Small: Growing Literacy-Based Climate Pedagogy by Enhancing Existing Curricula

This chapter supports elementary teachers who want to develop literacy-based climate pedagogy by enhancing existing curriculum—for example, by adding interactive read-alouds of literature or multimodal texts, topical word work, or mentor texts for writing.
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Chief Red Cloud and James Cook: An Agate Friendship

This video - designed as a three-part interview accompanied by writing prompts - focuses on the friendship and cultural sharing between Chief Red Cloud and homesteader James Cook of Agate Ranch.
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"They Carried Us:" Exploring our Literacy Roots and Routes with Joy and Genius

Teachers from the Philadelphia Writing Project and educators at the African American Museum in Philadelphia developed and hosted a series of events focused on the hidden histories of African American women in Philadelphia from 1700 to the present. They created a series of public discussion…
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Transforming Gamers into Game Designers: Game Design as Connected Learning with Rural Youth in Challenging Times

By Thor Gibbins
Guided by interests in video games, the Leatherstocking Writing Project engaged local youth in designing and producing video games as a way to support writing enrichment opportunities which were otherwise limited in their rural community.
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Student-Run Middle School Broadcast Media Program

By Laura Bradley
A story of how a before-school club was transformed into two class sections of broadcast media, giving 64 middle school students hands-on experience producing a daily news show.
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Project Make it Happen

By Sarah Pazur
Project Make it Happen brought together FlexTech High School-Novi and The Village Workshop, a community makerspace in Northville, Michigan, to engage students in projects that nurtured their love for design and making.
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Restoring Racecars, Restoring Relevance

By Scott Young
When public charter Bitney Prep High School rented several unused auto repair garages as classrooms, a unique partnership sprang up between our students and James Long, the classic race car restorer who shared the property.
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Technology by Design: Using Technology to Foster Critical Thinking

By Jennifer Estabrook
Beginning with the end in mind, Jennifer Estabrook rethinks her 8th grade curricular design and technology use using the TPACK framework. Note that some links to media are not longer available.
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Profiles in Practice

Profiles in Practice: Digital Storytelling with Teacher Consultants of the National Writing Project presents the work of five teachers, who have all practiced doing digital storytelling in their classrooms. Published in 2010; related media is no longer available.
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Write Now Teacher Studio

Write Now Teacher Studio website screenshot

Where teachers write, share, and talk shop about writing and the teaching of writing

Hosted by the National Writing Project, the Write Now Teacher Studio is an open, online community of educators for educators. It’s a place to write together, examine our teaching, create and refine curricula, and work toward ever more effective and equitable practices to create confident, creative, and critical thinkers and writers in our classrooms and courses.

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