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NWP Social Practices: Learn

For National Writing Project teachers, learning, often through inquiry processes, is central to how we examine and transform our classroom practice.
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NWP Social Practices: Lead

Summer institutes provide an important opportunity for teachers to develop leadership skills. Through study of research and the act of going public with one’s practice, teachers develop a confidence in their expertise which they then apply in various ways throughout the rest of their…
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NWP Social Practices: Write

For Writing Project site leaders thinking about developing a new pathway to site leadership, this collection examines the social practices connected to writing that have become key to the NWP experience.
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NWP Social Practices: Collaborate

For National Writing Project teachers, collaboration is central to building both individual and collective capacity.
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Why I Write

The urge to write can be a mysterious calling. There are so many different ways to understand not only the why of writing, but what one gets out of it. As part of the ongoing celebration of the National Day on Writing every October 20, the National Writing Project has collected the thoughts…
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NWP Social Practices: Go Public with Our Practice

The Go Public with Practice Pathway is based on the National Writing Project’s social practices framework. This framework expands our thinking about going public and how teachers lead within and beyond the classroom as they make their teaching practice public through writing, teaching, and…
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NWP Social Practices: Advocate

For National Writing Project teachers, advocacy serves as a way to take all their new learning and understanding about education, particularly the teaching of writing, public in powerful and productive ways. Advocacy allows us to take good theories and practices beyond our classroom, and to…
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Connections and Reflections from CLMOOC 2014

Original published to The Current, Aug 7, 2014, resources in this collect share weekly "Make Cycle" reflections from the Connected Learning Massive Open Online Collaboration, otherwise known as CLMOOC. Note that many embedded images, media and related links have been lost although the CLMOOC…
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“Where Do I Start?”

By Kim Jaxon, Northern California Writing Project
Curated to provide guidance for beginning the Digital Journey in the Classroom, circa 2012.
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Place-Conscious Education with the Nebraska Writing Project

Since the mid-1990s, the Nebraska Writing Project has been investigating place-conscious education and designing curricula and partnerships with place-conscious goals in mind. This seven-part audio series, created in 2020 out of their work with the National Parks Service partnership,…
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Teachers Writing for Civic Engagement

By Teachers of the Chicago Area Writing Project
A guide for beginning or restarting a writing practice for teachers created by teachers of the Chicago Area Writing Project. Includes small and low-tech writing tasks that build over time along with examples to mentor and inspire.
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Sharing Connected Learning from Pittsburgh

By Patricia Monticello Kievlan
Resources that exemplify some of the best connected learning practices that have been developed in Pittsburgh.
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Co-Creating Virtual Learning Spaces for School-Based YPAR

By Molly Buckley-Marudas & Angela Fant, Cleveland State University & The City is Our Campus Team Members
Opportunities for critical inquiry, deep learning, and civic engagement are critical to young people’s development as thinkers, problem solvers, and community leaders. Within the context of a global pandemic, however, many of the most typical adolescent experiences for engagement were…
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Kid Writing

A collection of manageable and fun ways to think about writing that draw on students' experiences while providing structured writing practice. Originally developed for parents and caregivers during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, these four cycles of instruction also work great for…
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Building Critical Civic Empathy Across Time and Space: Fostering Digital Democratic Dialogue with the NWP 3D Project

By Nicole Mirra
This collection seeks to share the 3D Project journey and to encourage more educators to join in making critical civic learning central to our work with students.
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The Grapple Series: Exploring the Intersections of Artificial Intelligence & Humanity

By Beatrice Dias, Michelle King, and Laura Roop
Collected resources and reflections from a discussion group which convened interested educators to come together to “play” with a set of ideas related to the intersections of AI and humanity in a supportive community.
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Strengthening Disciplinary Literacy

By Elyse Eidman-Aadahl
Disciplinary literacy is about the particular focus on reading and writing in a discipline or content area, the unique texts and strategies that constitute a discipline. This collection contains a small set of resources to start to explore disciplinary literacy.
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NWP Badges

Through its local Writing Project sites and national programs, NWP awards badges to recognize educators’ various skills and accomplishments connected to Writing Project work. This collection identifies and explains currently open badges that Writing Project sites can award and/or…
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Reading Together at NWP Sites and Beyond

How do we keep our reading lists fresh and responsive to the interests and needs of the community of educators. This collection contains strategies and reflections from NWP leaders about selecting reading for the Invitational Leadership Institute, study groups, and personal journeys.
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Rural Voices Radio

Rural Voices Radio, a product of the National Writing Project's Rural Voices, Country Schools program, celebrates what is "genuinely good, genuinely rural" about America's rural schools. Each half-hour program comprises original poems, stories, and essays by teachers and students from…
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STEAM-powered prompts for Writing Outside

This collection is meant to support place-based writing outside anytime of year. Originally developed for Write Out (
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Transitioning from Conventional to Connected Teaching: Small Moves and Radical Acts

By Nicole Mirra
By illuminating the stories and experiences of those who lived behind barbed wire at the Tule Lake Segregation Center, these lessons ask students to think critically about the Japanese American experience during World War II and how it connects to events today. This resource shares links to…
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Write Now Teacher Studio

Write Now Teacher Studio website screenshot

Where teachers write, share, and talk shop about writing and the teaching of writing

Hosted by the National Writing Project, the Write Now Teacher Studio is an open, online community of educators for educators. It’s a place to write together, examine our teaching, create and refine curricula, and work toward ever more effective and equitable practices to create confident, creative, and critical thinkers and writers in our classrooms and courses.

Visit The Studio